54 Fe
53.9396127 (15)
5.845 (35)
metal, oxide, sulphate
26 - 99+
56 Fe
55.9349393 (16)
91.754 (36)
metal, oxide, sulphate
97 - 99+
57 Fe
56.9353958 (16)
2.119 (10)
sodium ferricyanide, metal, oxide
81 - 96+
58 Fe
57.9332773 (16)
0.282 (4)
metal, oxide, chloride
82 - 93+
Iron Isotopes are mainly used in nutritional studies, with Fe-57 and Fe-58 being the two most commonly used Fe isotopes. Studies have included iron-loss by human adolescents, conditions for effective iron absorption, interventions for anemia and genetic iron control. The Fe-54 isotope is used for the production of radioactive Fe-55 which in turn is used as an electron capture detector and in X-ray fluorescence. Fe-56 can be used for the production of radioactive Co-55 which is used as a tumor seeking agent in bleomycin.